Saturday, 27 December 2014

Betta Fish Disease Type And How How to Cope

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Game Fish Disease Type

Type Pengendala Diseases of Fish Games is very important, because the disease is a factor inhibiting the smooth reproduction of Fish Games. The cause of the disease is divided into two, namely non-parasitic diseases and parasitic diseases. Non-parasitic disease caused by physical factors that do not fit, unhealthy food (malnutrition), abnormalities of the body caused by parasites, such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa, worms and fungi. Based on the pattern of the attack, known three diseases that often affect Fish Games, namely diseases of the skin, gill disease and diseases of the internal organs. Here are a variety of diseases that often attack the body Fish Games.

Game Fish Disease Diagnosis

A. Fish Frequently Asked to Surface Water and Looks Weak

1. Cause

Game fish often come to the surface of the water and looked weak can be caused by malnutrition, lack of oxygen or bacteria, such as Aeromonas sp, Aeromonas salmonicida, Flexibacter Columnaris, Pseudomonas flourescence and Mycobacterium.

2. Countermeasures

     Improved nutritional quality by providing a better feed and balanced nutritional content.

     Replacement of water when it is cloudy and lack of oxygen.

3. Treatment

     Aeromonas sp.

When attacked by bacteria Aeromonas sp., The treatment is done by immersion and antibiotics, such as Chlorampenikol, Streptomycin or Teramcyin 250 g / 0.5 m3 of water. Soaking performed for two hours per day with repetition 3-5 times or until the fish recover.

Aeromonas sp. are found in ponds containing organic matter. Characteristics are as follows.

     The shape of the body such as the stem.

     Body size close to 1 micron.

     Can live without oxygen (anaerobic)

     move on

     Life at a temperature of 15-30 C.

     The degree of acidity (pH) 5.9 desirable.

This bacteria attacks often occur in the tropics and latent attacks. This means that attacks will appear when the body of the fish are weak due to stress caused by poor water quality, sudden temperature changes as well as changes in water pH and kesadahannya.

These bacteria can move from one fish to another fish through body contact or through contaminated equipment pool. The bacteria attacked fish, in addition to the above symptoms will also display other symptoms as follows.

     Body color became dark.

     Body skin rough and sometimes bloody.

     The ability to swim decreases.

     The mouth is always open as a result of the attack on the gills.

     Belly bulge.

     damaged fins.

     Whitish gills

     Protruding eyes.

          Aeromonas salmonicida

When attacked by Aeromonas salmonicida, do treatment by providing 12 grams and 6 grams Sulfaguanidine Sulfaemerazin in every 55 kg of feed. This dose is given for the first three days of treatment. Next, mix 4 grams Sulfaguanidine into 45 kg of feed for the next seven days. In addition to the two types of drugs can also be given Oxytetracycline or Chloromycetin of 1 g / kg of feed given for 10 days.

In contrast to Aeromonas sp., The bacteria move slower and do not survive outside the host body. Seizure activity increased at a temperature 20-23 C. Precautions done by treating the cleanliness of the pool.

     Flexibacter Columnaris

The treatment of diseases caused by bacteria Flexibacter Columnaris disease conducted by immersing the fish in a solution of potassium permanganate as much as 2 ppm for 10-30 seconds. Do immersion repeated every day until the fish is completely healed.

These bacteria often cause injuries to the head, tail fins and gills. In the early phase of the attack affected part white. Furthermore, if it is severe, it becomes red. If the attack reaches the stomach causing abdominal swelling and death was unavoidable. Therefore, the recommended treatment is done in the early phase. Previously, these bacteria attack a frightening specter, but now adequate treatment can overcome this disease disorders.

This bacterium body shape like rod with a length of 12 microns and 0.5 microns wide. Based on the reaction of the attack, is like living bacteria at high temperature, which is about 26-30 C.

       Pseudomonas flourescence

Game fish are attacked by Pseudomonas flourescence experience symptoms that could be seen in the form of ulcers on the skin, fins, abdominal cavity and organs in the body of the fish. These bacteria also cause anemia or blood loss and the ornamental fish often bring mass death.

Treatment is done by mixing Oxytetracycline 5 grams into 50 kg of feed, provide for one week. If it has not seemed to change, which means, do re-treatment until completely healed.


The most effective treatment for this disease is to inject a dose of antibiotic Streptomycin 0.01-0.02 mg / g of fish. Another way to soak the fish in the antibiotic solution at a dose of 10 mg / liter of water. Fish soaked for 20-30 minutes. Treatment can be repeated 3-4 times with the same dose.

These bacteria also attack other fish species. Besides the fish become sluggish and lazy, other symptoms observed as follows.

     Body color becomes dark

     Bloated stomach.

     When dissected, looked red spots on the liver, kidneys and spleen.

b. Appetite Decreased

1. Cause

The acidity or pH of the water is too high, the temperature is too cold and poisoning.

2. Countermeasures

     Decrease or neutralize the acidity of water through precipitation in the tank for about 3 days to normalize the pH or pH down using acid timber, tamarind, vinegar kitchen and pH-lowering ingredients sold in stores ornamental fish.

     When the temperature is too cold, place the fish in a location exposed to sunlight. However, if the cold water caused by ambient temperature, use a heater (heater) which is adapted to the vast size of the heat of the aquarium.

     In case of poisoning, move the fish to water yangg clean. Drain the pond or aquarium, washing, and drying under the sun.

c. Distended stomach and Scales Stand (dropsy)

1. Cause

Bacteria attack the kidneys causing abdominal swelling and can not remove the dirt, fish scales were open. The mortality rate is very high.

2. Countermeasures

Maintain the cleanliness of the pool water and equipment.

3. Treatment

The most effective treatment for this disease is to inject a dose of antibiotic Streptomycin 0.01-0.02 mg / g of fish. Another way to soak the fish in the antibiotic solution at a dose of 10 mg / liter of water. Fish soaked for 20-30 minutes. Treatment can be repeated 3-4 times with the same dose.

d. Back and Tail Fins Broken

1. Cause

The cause of this disease is a fungus attack. Fungi are organisms that looks like fine threads on the surface of the fish's body. Diseases caused by fungi can be easily detected because clear appearance on the surface of the fish's body. Mushrooms are often attacked ornamental fish body is Saprolegnia sp.

2. Countermeasures

Maintain the cleanliness of the water and pool.

3. Treatment

Treatment is done by soaking the fish in a solution of 2% Malachite Green (two Malachihe Green Crystals) and 10 liters of water. Fish soaked for 5 minutes. Treatment is done 2-3 times per 2 days.

e. Damaged gills and Difficult Breathing

1. Cause

Bacterial attack.

2. Countermeasures

Maintaining the cleanliness of the pool water.


Treatment is done by soaking and antibiotics, such as Chlorampenikol, Streptomycin or Teramycin much as 250g / 0.5 m3 of water. Soaking performed for two hours per day with repetition 3-5 times or until the fish recover.

f. Slimy body, Easy Arrested

1. Cause

Fungal attack.

2. Countermeasures

Maintaining the cleanliness of the pool water.

3. Treatment

If the attack is not mildew, but the form of the parasite Costia sp., The fish must be soaked in a solution of formalin 1: 400 or acetate solution of 1: 500 or 3 cc of solution Metheline Blue for every 5 liters of water with 24-hour soaking period.

castia are organisms that move quickly and have some sort of fins (flages). attacks are deadly. fish attacked excess mucus in the body and the outside of the body of the fish become greyish white. the degree to further bleeding in the body meat Fish Games.

g. In Spinal Disorders

1. Cause

heredity (genetic).

2. Countermeasures

     Improving the quality of the parent screening.

     Giving vitamin D naturally through sunlight.

h. Fish Fish Games Being Skinny

1. Cause

Worm attacks and tuberculosis. Type of worm that is often found in ornamental fish is Dactylogyrus and Gyrodactilus. Both like to attack the pet fish high kepadatanya. Gyrodactilus attack the skin and fins of fish, while Dactylogyrus like to attack the man. The second worm-shaped flat. The tip of the hook body is equipped to function as a means of engaging her in nangsanya as well as the victim's blood sucker.

ornamental fish into his victim into a thin, fin loss, and close the gills are not docked perfect. The symptoms are evident, the fish often rubbing her body against hard objects in the vicinity.

2. countermeasures

             Maintaining the cleanliness of the pool

             Quarantining sick fish

3. Treatment

If Fish Games become thin due to worm attacks, treatment is done by soaking the infected fish to a solution of ammonium 1: 2.00o for 15 minutes. The solution was discarded by mixing 10 parts of ammonium into Kriya 90 parts water. Furthermore, 1 cm3 of this solution was mixed into 1 liter of water to form a ratio of 1: 2,000. Besides, we can also use the 200-250 ppm formalin solution for 30 minutes.

Until now there has been found the most effective way to treat an attack of tuberculosis. Most breeders gutted fish are exposed to attacks of this kind of disease. In addition to worms, shrimp microscopic (copepods) can attack the body of the fish. Copepods be indicus sp., Shaped like a flat mite that is also called fish lice, sucking nutrients and fish blood. As a result, the fish become emaciated. This condition is overcome by using a marinade pool whiting, cleaning and drying pond. Treatment of sick fish implemented by soaking the fish in a solution of Lindane 0,013 ppm for two days or soaked for 30 minutes with 1 g / liter of water Neguvon solution.

Besides Argulus indicus, anchor worms or Learnea cyprinaceae is a type of shrimp-organism that can make the body of the fish being thin. Anchor worms have hooks that are useful as a means of engaging the body of its host. In later stages, Learnea cyprinaceae surrounds the fish body and can appear to the naked eye. Shaped like a crochet needle. Most of the attacks occurred in the pond. Attacked fish would have torn and bleeding wounds. Do drying and calcination pool to cope with anchor worm attacks.

Anchor worm eradicated by means cut it, then destroy parts of which have been cut by burning or bury it in the ground. Let the rest of the anchor in the body of the fish. But to prevent infection, soak the fish to a solution of 0.12 to 0.15 Bromex ppm, 25 ppm formalin solution or solution Sumithion 50 EC.

i. Game Fish Eye Standout

1. Cause

Pop eyes caused by infection. There were two tiger firus that can attack fish Hiyas, namely Epithelioma population and herpes. The first virus attack can lead to defects in the form of white patches that slowly form a slimy layer and transparent colored fat. If an attack occurs in the eye, can cause bembengkaan on the eyeball. Meanwhile, viruses herpres merupaken vicious virus that can cause mass death.

Viruses are subtle microorganisms that can not be seen with the eyes telanjang.Organisme is quite unique because it does not have to be able to live digestion so it must stay in the body of the fish is used as the host. The virus can multiply in the digestive cells of the host, as well as nucleic acid producing sake of their needs. In the body of its host, the virus forms a sheath called the capsid protein. Each virus has a capsid that is different, so there is a virus that can not be immunized due to capsidnya can change. In fact, that is the defense capsid virus body.

Virus attacks result in damage to the cells or tissues is quite spacious and leads to death within a relatively fast tempo. Viral infections that cause secondary ifeksi can weaken the body of the fish.

2. Countermeasures

Maintaining the cleanliness of the pool.

3. Treatment

Treatment due to virus attack papulasum epithelioma can use arsenic dissolved into arycil compound at a dose of 1 ml of 1% solution of arsenic mixed with arycil compound with a concentration of 5%. Furthermore, both the liquid mixture was injected into the body of the diseased fish 3 times a hose 1 day.

There is no effective drug for the treatment of pop eyes that caused by the attack of herpes. The best way is to immunization herpes virus that has been weakened. In addition, using a chlorine wash tub, dry, drying and after 10 days the water content of the new.

j. Body Fish Game As In bedaki

1. Cause

This disease is caused by a parasite attack Oodinium limnecticum which give rise to symptoms that called velvet, which blackened fish body and in the whole body as in bedaki. Seemingly similar fungal attack, but if not soon be overcome, fish body condition will soon be weakened, no appetite, and happy gathered in a dark corner due to lazy to move.

2. Handling

     Maintaining the cleanliness of the water

     Keeping the temperature remains constant

     Raise the temperature of the water at the time the attack has occurred

3. Treatment

Treatment is done by giving 5 drops of malachite green at a concentration of 0.75% for each 20Liter water. Soak the fish for 5 minutes. These drugs are not good for fish larvae. Treatment of adult fish can be repeated until the velvet is lost.

k. Damaged Game Fish Gills

1. Cause

Bacterial infections flexibacter sp. or mycobacteriumsp.

2. Handling

     Maintaining the cleanliness of the pool water

3. Treatment

The most effective treatment for this disease by means of immersion and antibiotics such as Chlorampenikal, Streptomycin, or Teramycin 250 g / 0.5 m3 of water. Soaking in doing for 2 hours per day with repetition 3-5 times or until the fish recover.

l. gills Loss

1. Cause

Attack the bacteria mycobacterium.

2. Handling

Maintaining the cleanliness of the pool water.

3. Treatment

Treatment is done by soaking and antibiotics such as Chlorampenikol, Streptomycin, or teramycin 250 g / 0.5 m3 of water. Soaking in doing for two hours per day with repetition 3-5 times or until the fish recover.

m. Bleeding and Swelling In Anus

1. Cause

Bacterial infection.

2. Handling

     Maintaining the cleanliness of the pool water.

     Dewatering and drying pond.

3. Treatment

Treatment is done by soaking and antibiotics, such as Chlorampenikol, Streptomycin or Teramycin 250 g / 0.5 m3 of water. Soaking performed for two hours per day with repetition 3-5 times or until the recovery.

n. Close Gills Always Open

1. Cause

Disorders of Mycobacterium sp.

2. Handling

     Maintaining the cleanliness of the pool water.

     Dewatering and drying pond.

3. Treatment

The most effective treatment for this disease is to inject a dose of antibiotic Streptomycin 0.01-0.02 mg / g of fish. Another way to soak the fish in the antibiotic solution at a dose of 10 mg / liter of water. Fish soaked for 20-30 minutes. Treatment can be repeated 3-4 times with the same dose.

o. Such fibers Cotton On Her whole body

1. Cause

Fungal infections.

2. Countermeasures

Maintaining the cleanliness of the pool.

3. Treatment

Treatment is done by soaking the fish in a solution of 2% Malachite Green (two Malachite Green crystals) and 10 liters of water. Fish soaked for 5 minutes. Treatment is done 2-3 times per two days.

p. cotton Mouth

1. Cause

Fungus that appears on the fish's mouth caused by sudden changes in temperature and poor water quality.

2. Treatment

Use killer fungus like Primafix according to recommended dosage.

q. Fin Root

1. Cause

        Fiin root caused by bacteria Salmonella sp and Pseudomonas sp. The attack is characterized by the presence of holes or cuts on the fin. At the advanced level, the attack can be eroded fins so iakn become bald.

2. Treatment

Treatment using antibacterial drugs available in the market or the use of human antibiotics commonly used, such as Kanamcyin or Teracycline. Choose a broad-spectrum antibiotic that has to fight against gram-negative bacteria, such as Salmonella and Pseudomonas.

r. Wormy (Gill Flukes)

1. Cause

Worms or parasites that attack the gills that cause fish seem difficult breathing, flushed gills and sometimes accompanied by a fungal infection.

2. Treatment

Use of drugs specifically for Fish Games Coppersafe available in stores seller Fish Games.

s. White Spot

1. Cause

Causes of white spot is a protozoan. The attacks were characterized by menguncupnya fish, white spots appear on the body of fish and fish often rubbing her body on nearby objects. White spot disease usually affects fish with poor immune systems.

2. Treatment

Use of drugs that contain killer protozoa, such Malachine Metheline Green or Blue.

t. Velvet

1. Cause

The cause of this disease is the temperature of the cold and dirty water. Velvet is a disease that most commonly affects Fish Games. The attacks were characterized by tail menguncupnya Game Fish, fish body is black, and white webbed.

2. Treatment

Drugs commonly used for white spot, like Metheline Malachine Blue or Green can be used to treat velvet.

u. Mental Illness (cowardly)

1. Cause

The cause of mental illness is stress on adult game fish. The fish looked scared and settles at the bottom of the aquarium. Cowardly occur due to rough treatment or trauma ever defeat.

2. Handling

Mental left to bring Fish Games Fish Games cowardly with females so fierce back.

v. Curly fin On Fish Serit

According to (Gene Lucas) curly fins on Fish Games is a basic trait inherited by its parent, such as curly hair in humans.

And Thank you for so many of his visit. Helpful Articles The Telag hopefully I share

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